Giorgio Armani SS24 VIBES
Everything vibrates: colours, sensations and feelings. This season, vibrations become visible. They run across entire surfaces in undulating movements and rippling weaves, they expand the chromatic scale to touch notes of bronze and silver and light up in precious greens and purples, only to arrive at a white that permeates the evenings. The wardrobe that accompanies this moving oscillation is fluid and refined. Shapes follow the body and its movement: liquid jackets, crisp coats, soft trousers. Heels are always low, while large bags feature their own undulations. Coherent and continuous by definition, Giorgio Armani’s vision refracts and mutates as though passing through a prism. It looks different yet remains unchanged, revealing the vibrations at the source of it all.
For more information, please contact:
Brand Management Department TAI YUEN TEXTILE CO., LTD
Annette Feng
02 2755 2222 #1032